⁉️Why do we do this?

Well, the answer is very simple. We wanted to take a successful on-chain gaming community that already existed and build on top of it by forming different guilds and groups within our own community while giving certain responsibilities to the holders of guiding the guild to success.

The Ether Orcs ecosystem does not have a cheap entry point as of right now and any person interested in forming a horde of 4 characters would have to spend over 1.5 ETH at the moment of writing this.

The Alpha Invader's Puppeteer bot enables us to destroy this barrier and bring new players to the collection while at the same time building an on-chain guild community by building bots and tools that will interact with these digital assets.

In the future we would also like to add different game assets to be also controlled by the Puppeteer like:

  • Chain Runners

  • Ethernal Elves Sentinels

  • Kuroro Beasts

Last updated