🧩How does it work?

The Discord community will be given different roles based on the invaders acquired. These roles will be given automatically via Collab.Land or in the future with an in-house wallet signer.

After this, category sections will appear in Discord with different channels mapped with the guild's information, a general chat for the members, a voting channel and a decision channel.

The #decision channel will be the most important channel of them all. Here we will be able to vote and interact directly with the Puppeteer to vote on what will be the future of the guild.

Each guild is assigned an Alpha Puppeteer that will be in charge of executing every decision made by the group.

Every guild, after initial sale profits are distributed, will have 4 characters:

  • Ether Orc Genesis

  • Ether Orc Ally - Shaman

  • Ether Orc Ally - Ogre

  • Ether Orc Ally - Rogue

Last updated